Our program delivers a fitness that is broad, general and inclusive. CrossFit Kids is specifically designed for children and teenagers to prepare them for life. We specialize in constant variety, functional fitness and of course FUN!!! While including scaled down versions of adult skill training and workouts, CrossFit Kids also focuses on fun to get kids excited about exercising.
Cubs - Our Cubs class is for our littlest CrossFitters, ages 3-6 years old (must be potty trained). The class is a basic introduction to functional movement through fun and games. Classes are 30 minutes in length. If there is a concurrent adult class children of parents taking it will be supervised for the remainder of the hour.
Bears - Bears is our Class for ages 7 and up. School Aged Children and older children that are new to CrossFit can expect to learn and have fun in this 45 minute class. We will focus on Agility, Coordination, Flexibility, Power, Speed, Balance, Strength and Accuracy getting these kids ready for sport and life. If there is a concurrent adult class children of parents taking it, will be supervised for the remainder of the hour.
Teens - Our teens class is for ages 13 and up who are ready for Intermediate class. Although emphasis remains on technique and safety, teens who attend this class are ready to bring some intensity to their workouts. Classes are one hour. We also offer a teen barbell class, that is invite only- for teens who have shown the ability and focus to delve deeper into strength training.
These ten general physical skills, as enumerated by Jim Cawley of Dynamax and adapted by CrossFit, incorporate every aspect of athletic activity, as well as each of the human energy pathways. A comprehensive fitness program addresses each of these and can be deemed successful only to the degree which if offers improvement, while individuals are considered fit in equal measure to their competency in each of these skills. Coach Greg Glassman, the creator of CrossFit, gives us the bottom line regarding the ten general physical skills:
Cardiovascular/respiratory endurance
"You're only as good as your weakest link" (Glassman). Coach recognized early on that the conventional definition of fitness was severely lacking. After much observation and shock at how specialized athletes are held up as prime examples of fitness, a more comprehensive approach seemed necessary. In real life (e.g. nature, sport and work) the demand for the elements of physical fitness are never separated. Segmented training leads to segmented capacity. Therefore a functional fitness program, one which prepares the individual for the rigors of daily life, must collectively enhance each of these areas of fitness. CrossFit was his answer to that dilemma.
The CrossFit Kids program uses the template of randomized, functional exercises, performed at high intensity. Adjustments are made to accommodate the specific needs and requirements of children and teens. Workouts consist of exercises containing elements drawn from the above enumerated physical skills, while special attention is paid to utilizing progressions for difficult or compound movements, and progressive loading dictated by size, age and consistency in form.
Using the above template, CrossFit Kids often perform workouts with a time component, moving quickly from one exercise to the next, thereby creating the intensity necessary to achieve these goals. Highly vigorous exercises like box jumps, tuck jumps, jump rope, sprints, etc. create aerobic and metabolic changes which increase cardiovascular/respiratory endurance and stamina. This positively impacts the body's capacity for exercise and lays the foundation for the remaining general physical skills.
We encourage parents to support their children and the class, stay and spectate from the sidelines, cheer, participate in CrossFit adult classes, help their children maintain consistency in CrossFit attendance, and provide healthy meals at home and for school. Healthy meals consist of protein, carbohydrate, and fat at every meal. The tenets we follow are: lots of lean meat, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, some fruit, little starch, no sugar, and no grains. These foods are the optimal fuel for the most sophisticated machines: our bodies. We emphasize the importance of unprocessed, real foods in balanced proportions. For more information on the nutritional guidelines we follow, ask us about Paleo and Zone. Scientific studies and personal trial and error among ourselves and our athletes have found that these dietary choices make us feel good, improve our physical and mental performance, and enhance our physical and mental health. We also insist that parents of our underage athletes inform us of medical conditions and allergies that may impact a child's health, performance, and capability.
What is inappropriate behavior for parents?
Generally, we would like parents to resist the urge to interrupt class or counter our training expertise. Behavior we would like parents to avoid includes but is not limited to the following: shouting cues to children, encouraging rivalry and competition, encouraging risky behavior, encouraging bad form, encouraging heavier weights, choosing weights, arguing with coaches during class, stealing child's attention and focus, interrupting class, infringing upon class space, bringing children late to class or pulling them out early (exception: emergency situation), criticism of children or coaches, overriding coaches' decisions, or bringing sick kids to class. CrossFit Kids should be a fun experience for kids and their parents, so we want to keep it that way!
What is inappropriate behavior for children?
Generally, we would like children to maintain self control and not act against the coaches' instructions. Inappropriate behavior for children includes but is not limited to: inappropriately distracting others during class, not listening to the coaches' instructions, disobeying coaches' instructions, disrespecting others, disrespecting equipment, creating a dangerous environment for self and others, criticizing others, or acting without own or other children's safety in mind. CrossFit Kids should be fun, so we want to keep it that way for everyone!
CrossFit Kids and CrossFit King of Prussia services are not a substitute for professional medical advice or a medical examination. Prior to participating in any program, activity, or exercise you should seek the advice of your physician and other qualified health-care professionals. You understand that these exercises can be strenuous and should be done in moderation. There is an inherent risk in any exercise that, while providing some health benefits, can also cause unknown health issues. You understand that there are weights, balls, bars, mats, chairs, and many other items commonly associated with a gymnasium that can be left around by any person associated with CrossFit Kids and CrossFit King of Prussia. It is every person's responsibility to anticipate these items being left in places where they can cause injury. Application or reliance on the techniques, advice, ideas, and suggestions of any person associated with CrossFit Kids and CrossFit King of Prussia are at the sole discretion and risk of the participant and his/her parent and guardian. You agree, by participating in any program associated with CrossFit Kids and CrossFit King of Prussia, that CrossFit Kids and CrossFit King of Prussia shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, consequential, or exemplary damages for any injury or harm to you or your child incurred in or around the property where exercise occurs.
Fill out the form to book your child's first class (it's free), purchase a Kids Class Punch Card or learn more about our Crossfit Kids Birthday Parties!
You can also contact us directly by calling or emailing:
FITNESS/CONDITIONINGCrossFit is a fitness and conditioning system developed by Coach Greg Glassman. It was developed through many years of watching, working with, and coaching all types of people. – from those considered “normal and average”, to top athletes. Coach Glassman's idea was to take what worked best from the sports and movements that create the most versatile athletes (gymnastics and weightlifting), and throw the rest out. Actually, the system really created itself - if a workout or an exercise proved functional and got great results (e.g., challenged you to the bone), it stayed in the system. If not, well, you got the picture. CrossFit is what remains - bar none, the most effective fitness and conditioning system in the world! One of the things that makes CrossFit unique is that it addresses the fact that the fitness needs of an "Average Joe" are identical to that of a top athlete – the only difference being intensity (speed & weight) and volume. In all cases, the best results come when training included functional movement (that which replicates real life movement), at high intensity and with constant variety. Any exercise program that meets these three criteria can be considered “CrossFit,” from shoveling dirt, hauling rocks and cutting down trees to weightlifting, pull ups and sprinting. CrossFit has been called "The Sport of Fitness" because it re-introduces personal athletic achievement and performance to training. The mindset at the start of each workout is to be stronger, move faster and more efficiently, with better form than ever. This is why even after years of training CrossFit style, scores and times in workouts continue to drop and athletes continue to improve. Its hard, fun, exciting, challenging, and will push you to be your absolute best! CrossFit is by design broad, general and inclusive. Its specialty is in not specializing, and its workouts elicit a maximal neuro-endocrine response from your body by taxing your body to its core with variety, intensity, and multiple joint, full body, functional movements.
NUTRITIONThe CrossFit Dietary Prescription: Protein should be lean and varied and account for about 30% of your total caloric load. Carbohydrates should be predominantly low-glycemic and account for about 40% of your total caloric load. Fat should be predominantly monounsaturated and account for about 30% of your total caloric load. Calories should be set at between .7 and 1.0 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass depending on your activity level. The .7 figure is for moderate daily workout loads and the 1.0 figure is for the hardcore athlete. What should I eat? In plain language, base your diet on garden vegetables, especially greens, lean meats, nuts and seeds, little starch, and no sugar. That's about as simple as we can get. Many have observed that keeping your grocery cart to the perimeter of the grocery store while avoiding the aisles is a great way to protect your health. Food is perishable. The stuff with long shelf life is all circumspect. If you follow these simple guidelines you will benefit from nearly all that can be achieved through nutrition. The Caveman or Paleolithic Model for Nutrition Modern diets are ill suited for our genetic composition. Evolution has not kept pace with advances in agriculture and food processing resulting in a plague of health problems for modern man. Coronary heart disease, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, obesity and psychological dysfunction have all been scientifically linked to a diet too high in refined or processed carbohydrate. Search "Google" or "Alta Vista" for Paleolithic nutrition, or diet. The return is extensive, compelling, and fascinating. The Caveman model is perfectly consistent with the CrossFit prescription. What Foods should I avoid? Excessive consumption of high-glycemic carbohydrates is the primary culprit in nutritionally caused health problems. High glycemic carbohydrates are those that raise blood sugar too rapidly. They include rice, bread, candy, potato, sweets, sodas, and most processed carbohydrates. Processing can include bleaching, baking, grinding, and refining. Processing of carbohydrates greatly increases their glycemic index, a measure of their propensity to elevate blood sugar. What is the Problem with High-Glycemic Carbohydrates? The problem with high-glycemic carbohydrates is that they give an inordinate insulin response. Insulin is an essential hormone for life, yet acute, chronic elevation of insulin leads to hyperinsulinism, which has been positively linked to obesity, elevated cholesterol levels, blood pressure, mood dysfunction and a Pandora's box of disease and disability. Research "hyperinsulinism" on the Internet. There's a gold mine of information pertinent to your health available there. The CrossFit prescription is a low-glycemic diet and consequently severely blunts the insulin response. Caloric Restriction and Longevity Current research strongly supports the link between caloric restriction and an increased life expectancy. The incidence of cancers and heart disease sharply decline with a diet that is carefully limited in controlling caloric intake. “Caloric Restriction” is another fruitful area for Internet search. The CrossFit prescription is consistent with this research. The CrossFit prescription allows a reduced caloric intake and yet still provides ample nutrition for rigorous activity.
CROSSFIT JOURNALLearn more about fitness, nutrition, crossfit and more on Crossfit's journal.